Pelican Playground
Playground Opening Times:
10.00am to 6.30pm (Monday to Friday)

The classic boat house and slide is a distinct piece of playground equipment. It allow children to play safely. The playtime is further enhanced by the opportunity to climb and slide.

The many features of the site allow children to let their imagination run wild. From exploring the ship's deck to escaping on the slide this truly offers endless amounts of fun.

Shaped like animals, springers take on a life of their own. The interesting spring actions mean no child will ever get bored of them.

A common feature on many playgrounds however still delivers a special experience for all children.

The two tunnels were hand woven on site by our professional wildlife staff. The willow was sourced locally and installed soon after. The process is highly skilled and takes a lot of time to weave the correct pattern. The outcome is a fantastic willow tunnel that is a key feature of the natural playground

All of the flower beds have recently been installed and planted out. On closer inspection you will see Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’ ,Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Lavandula x intermedia ‘Grosso’ and many others.

Surround a recently planted Oak tree the hoping logs are installed in a spiral shape to allow children to hop from log to log.

Complimenting the new flower beds and already well-established woodland are 12 new trees dotted around the area. Acer campestre ‘Elsrijk’ and Betula nigra are just some of the additions.
Why 'Pelican Playground?'
On December 13 1577, Sir Francis Drake set off with a fleet of five ships on an expedition to America. Three years later, only one ship returned, heavily laden with a cargo of Spanish treasure.
Drake was the second person to have sailed all the way around the world and the first Englishman to have done so.
Originally called 'The Pelican, the ship was renamed 'The Golden Hinde' after Drake's patron, Sir Christopher Hatton, whose family crest featured a golden hinde or deer. A year after Sir Francis Drake's return, he led the English fleet to victory over the Armada of 130 Spanish ships sailing to invade England.

Playground Opening Times:
10.00am to 6.30pm (Monday to Friday)